CAM::EmailTemplate - Template-based email message sender


Copyright 2005 Clotho Advanced Media, Inc., <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


"CAM" stands for Clotho Advanced Media Inc. ( which
developed this module.  Contact us at


Install via one of the following:
  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install


  perl Build.PL
  perl Build
  perl Build test
  perl Build install


This module extends the CAM::Template search-and-replace API to with a
send() method to enable simplified delivery of automated but
customized emails.  This module is NOT intended for spam delivery (and
it's definitely not very efficient for that purpose).

See the documentation for templating examples.

This module most closely resembles Mail::Send with the sendmail
option.  It has the following advantages:

  * Integration of templating
  * More readable code (IMHO)

and the following disadvantages:

  * Only supports sendmail delivery (but see also
  * Doesn't offer an easy-to-understand API for building the header
  * Fewer mail delivery options

If you wish to take advantage of CAM::Template's ability to use a
custom template syntax, then you should create a new subclass that
inherits from both your custom template and from this module.  A
simple example:

  package MyTemplate;
  use CAM::Template;
  our @ISA = qw(CAM::Template);
  sub patterns {
    my $pkg = shift;
    return {
      # include syntax:  <? include("subfile.tmpl") ?>
      include => qr/<? *include\(\"([^\"]+)\"\) *?>/,

  package MyEmailTemplate;
  use MyTemplate;
  use CAM::EmailTemplate;
  our @ISA = qw(MyTemplate CAM::EmailTemplate);