NAME Tie::FormA - access a machine readable database file that minics a hardcopy form SYNOPSIS require Tie::FormA; ##### # Using support methods and file handle with # the file subroutines such as open(), readline() # print(), close() # tie *FORM_FILEHANDLE, 'Tie::FormA', @options $form = tied \*FORM_FILEHANDLE; ##### # Using support methods only, no file subroutines # $form = Tie::Form->new(@options); \$encoded_fields = $form->decode_record(\$record); \@fields = $form->decode_field(\$encoded_fields); \$encoded_fields = $form->encode_field (\@fields); \$record = $form->encode_record(\$encoded_fields); $record = $form->get_record(); #### # Subroutine interface # \$encoded_fields = decode_record(\$record); \@fields = decode_field(\$encoded_fields); \$encoded_fields = encode_field (\@fields); \$record = encode_record(\$encoded_fields); If a subroutine or method will process a list of options, "@options", that subroutine will also process an array reference, "\@options", "[@options]", or hash reference, "\%options", "{@options}". DESCRIPTION The "Tie::FormA" module provides a text database file suitable for local data such as private mailing lists. The "Tie::FormA" cannot provide a data warehouse shared by mulitple users. File format description Desireable goals for small local private databases file format are as follows: * The database is a text file that can be edited with a simple text editor. How many times have a basebase been corrupted and the data cannot be recoveried? For most people many times. One time is one time too many * The text format resembles as much as possible the standard forms that all civilized people must from time to time fill out in order to survive in a civilized society. Forms are a necessary evil in the pursue of happiness, freedom and prosperity in a civilized society. An example of a form is as follows: manhood length: ________ time spent in big house: _________ what drugs do you use: _________ Notice the applicant is not required to specify the form data using Perl hash notation such as manhood_length => 2 By the way, that would be your entry. My entry would be manhood_length => 22 The political incorrect NH live free or die response would be manhood length: come up to my place and I'll show you time spent in big house: none of your business what drugs do you use: put it where the sun doesn't shine The feds response to NH: no federal funding. * The record separator, field separator and any other separator is unique and not embedded in the data. With unique separators, various components of the database may be accessed with simple file read and write functions. There is no need to buffer and process the data to determine if the separator is really a separtor or part of the data. * The format has simple, straightforward method of escaping separators when they are embedded in the data. Escape techiques such as the back-slash besides causing blurred vision also leave the separator embedded in the data. Try looking at the output of the metachar() function and then try to read a eye chart. This is totally unacceptable not only because it impairs vision but also for poor computation performance. The "Tie::FormA" program module solution is to use separators of the following form: (not_the_char) . (char) . (not_the_char) The separators are escaped in embedded text by adding a extra (char) as follows: sequence escaped [^$c]$c[^c] [^$c]$c$c[^c] [^$c]$c$c[^c] [^$c]$c$c$c[^c] ... [^$c]$c x n[^c] [^$c]$c($c x n)[^c] SUBROUTINES This package inherits most of its Tie methods from the Tie::Layers package. The methods specific to this package are to encode and decode fields and records, and to put and get records as follows: TIEHANDLE tie *FORM_FILEHANDLE, 'Tie::FormA', @options tie *FORM_FILEHANDLE, 'Tie::FormA', \@options tie *FORM_FILEHANDLE, 'Tie::FormA', \%options $form = tied \*FORM_FILEHANDLE; The "TIEHANDLE" method supports the "tie" Perl built-in subroutine. The "$form" object created by "tie" may be used to access the functions that are in addition to the those established in Tie Handle Perl specification. The available options are as follows: option description --------------------------- EON End of Name field termination separator EOD End of Data field termination separator EOR End of Record termination separator strict strict processing of EON and EOD Typically "EON", "EOD", "EOR" should be read-only. The requirements for these options are very specific. encode_field \$encoded_fields = encode_field (\@fields); The "encode_field" subroutine method takes a "@fields" and returns a "encoded_fields" string. This subroutine will escape all field separators. encode_record \$record = encode_record(\$encoded_fields); The "encode_record" subroutine takes a "$encoded_fields" string and encodes it as "$record". This subroutines escapes the record separator and embeds the record separator in the "$record" string. decode_field \@fields = decode_field(\$encoded_fields); The "decode_fiel" subroutine takes "$encoded_fields", unescape the field separators, decodes the fields and places the results in "@fields". The "@fields" array is ordered name, value pairs of the fields. The even array elements are the field names and the following odd array element is the field data. The below code will convert the decoded "@fields" to a hash: %fields = @fields decode_record \$encoded_fields = decode_record(\$record); The "decode_record" subroutine takes a "$record" string, removes the record separator, unescapes the record separator in the fields string and leaves the fields string in "$encoded_fields". get_record $record = $form->get_record(); The get_record method reads a fully encoded "$record" from the underlying file of the object. new $form = Tie::FormA->new(@options); $form = Tie::FormA->new(\@options); $form = Tie::FormA->new(\%options); The "new" method provides an object that may be used to access the functions that are in addition to the those established in Tie Handle Perl specification. The "@options" are the same as "TIEHANDLE". REQUIREMENTS The general "STD::TestGen" Perl module requirements are as follows: general [1] - load shall[1] load without error and general [2] - pod check shall[2] passed the Pod::Checker check without error. File format requirements For most databases, the file format is hidden. In this case, since the file may be accessed and edited by any text editor, the file format requirements must be rigorously established in order that they may be properly edited. The "Tie::FormA" module file format will be as follows: $field_name: $field_data ^ ... $field_name: $field_data ^ ~-~ ... ~-~ $field_name: $field_data ^ ... $field_name: $field_data ^ ~-~ The requirements for the file format are as follows: format [1] - separator strings The format separator strings shall[1] be as follows: End of Field Name (EON): [^:]:[^:] ENd of Field Data (EOD): [^\^]\^[^\^] End of Record(EOR): ~-~ The separator strings have the following format: (not_the_char) . (char) . (not_the_char) The '^' character was and still available in console text editors as a cursor. Because it appears very rarely in text, it is a good choice for use in a separator string. If it does not appear a lot, it will not have to be escaped a lot. The "~-~" separator sequence is a natural looking text section separator. format [2] - separator escapes Separator strings embedded in $field_name and $field_data strings shall[2] be escaped by adding one additional middle character. Escaped sequences must also be escaped. An escaped separator sequence will always have one additional middle character from an unescaped separator sequence. format [3] - field names The characters [\x00-\x1f] shall[3] not be allowed in $field_name strings. Spaces will be allowed. The character set [\x00-\x1f] are the ASCII control characters. See Embedded [\x00-\x1f] characters will be converted to the '_' character. format [4] - field names Leading and trailing [ \x00-\x1f] characters in any potential $field_name string shall[4] not be part of the $field_name and discarded. format [5] - EON A leading [^:] in the EON separator that is not a [ \x00-\x1f] shall[5] be the be the last character in the $field_name string; otherwise, it is not part of the the $field_name string and discarded. For the situation where the last part of a $field_name string is an escape sequence a [ \x00-\x1f] will be required between the $field_name string and the EON. The following is a valid $field_name EON sequence: escaped unescaped field_name:: : fieldname: format [6] - Strict EOD For the strict format option, the leading [^\^] of the EOD shall[6] not be part of the $field_data. The [^\^] character may be any character including the [\x00-\x1f] characters. Examples of strict format option are as follows: $field_name: $data ^ $field_name: $data$c^ $field_name: line1 .. line2 ^ The $field_data for the above example is as follows: Example $field_data "$data ^" "$data" "$data$c^" "$data" "$line1\n$line2\n^" "$line1\n$line2" format [7] - Lenient EOD For the lenient format option, the leading [^\^] of the EOD shall[7] be part of the $field_data. The lenient format has ambiguous case when the last character in the $field_data is the [\^] character. In order to be valid, a [^\^] must be used before the [\^], making the [^\^] part of the $field_data whether that is intended or not. For example in, "$data^^ ^", the $field_data is "$data^ " whether or not the space is intended as part of the $field_data. If this cannot be tolerated for an application the strict format opion should be specified. Examples of lenient format option are as follows: $field_name: $data1 ^ $field_name: $data2^ $field_name: $line1 $line2 ^ The $field_data for the above example is as follows: Example $field_data "$data1 ^" "$data1 " "$data2^" "$data2" "$line1\n$line2\n^" "$line1\n$line2\n" Methods requirements There are two options, that impact the methodsas follows: strict => 1 option This option determines whether to encode a field in strict or lenient format. binary => 1 option This option determines whether or not to process carriage returns and line feeds. Different operating systems handle these characters differently for text files. The requirements for the methods are as follows: methods [1] - encode_field $field = $tdb->encode_field (\@fields, \$fields) The @fields array will contain a number of fields. The $field_names will be the even elements and the $field_data the following odd elements. The encode_field subroutine shall[1] encode the $field_name string and $field_data string into the $field string in accordance with the File Format requirements. The encoding shall escape the EON and EOD separators and embed the EON and EOD separators. The encoding will be conservative in complying with the File Format requirements. As established by the File Format requirements, the encoding will be different depending upon the value of the strict option, $tdb->{options}->{strict}. methods [2] - decode_field $success = $tdb->decode_field(\$fields, \@fields) The decode_field subroutine shall[2] decode a $record string into the @fields array in accordance with the File Format requirements. The $field_names will be the even elements in the @fields array and the $field_data the following odd elements. The decoding will be liberal what it considers that complies to the File Format requirements. As established by the File Format requirements, the decoding will be different depending upon the value of the strict option, $tdb->{options}->{strict}. methods [3] - encode_record $success = $tdb->encode_record(\$fields, \$record) $success = $tdb->encode_record( \$fields) The encode_record subroutine shall[3] encode the $fields string into the $record string in accordance with File Format requirements. If the $record string is absence or the \$record reference and the \$fields reference are the same, the encoding will modify the \$fields string. In this case, the encoding will not perserve the $fields string. The encoding will escape the EOR and embed the EOR. methods [4] - decode_record $success = $tdb->decode_record(\$record, \$fields) $success = $tdb->decode_record(\$record) The decode_record subroutine shall[4] decode the $record string and into the $fields string in accordance with the File Format requirements. If the $fields string is absence or the \$record reference and the \$fields reference are the same, the encoding will modify the \$record string. In this case, the encoding will not perserve the $record string. The decoding will remove the EOR and unescape the EOR. methods [5] - put_record $success = $tdb_out->put_record( \$record ) The put_record subroutine shall[5] write out the $record to the file specified when the object $tdb_out was created with the following statement $tdb_out = Tie::FormA( flag => '>', file => $file, @options ); methods [6] - get_record $success = $tdb_in->get_record( \$record ) The get_record subroutine shall[6] read a $record from the file specified when the object $tdb_in was created with the following statement $tdb_in = Tie::FormA( flag => '<', file=>$file, @options ); methods [7] - get_record Unless $tdb_in was created with the binary option, {binary => 1}, the get_record subroutine shall[7] translate any "\015\012" combination into the "\n" for the current operating system. Tie::Layers The methods inherit from Tie::Layers will comply to the Tie::Layers requirements DEMONSTRATION ######### # perl FormA.d ### ~~~~~~ Demonstration overview ~~~~~ The results from executing the Perl Code follow on the next lines as comments. For example, 2 + 2 # 4 ~~~~~~ The demonstration follows ~~~~~ use File::Package; use File::SmartNL; use File::Spec; my $uut = 'Tie::FormA'; # Unit Under Test my $fp = 'File::Package'; my $loaded; my (@fields); # force context my $out_file = File::Spec->catfile('FormA','form1.txt');; unlink $out_file; my $lenient_in_file = File::Spec->catfile('FormA','lenient0.txt'); my $strict_in_file = File::Spec->catfile('FormA','strict0.txt'); ################## # Load UUT # my $errors = $fp->load_package($uut) $errors # '' # ################## # Tie::FormA Version 0.01 loaded # $fp->is_package_loaded($uut) # 1 # ################## # Read lenient FormA # tie *FORM, 'Tie::FormA'; open FORM,'<',File::Spec->catfile($lenient_in_file); @fields = <FORM>; close FORM; [@fields] # [ # [ # 'UUT', # 'File/', # 'File_Spec', # '', # 'Revision', # '', # 'End_User', # '', # 'Author', # '', # 'SVD', # 'SVD::DataCop-DataFile', # 'Template', # 'STD/STD001.frm' # ], # [ # 'Email', # '', # 'Form', # 'Udo-fully processed oils', # 'Tutorial', # '*~~* Better Health thru Biochemistry *~~*', # 'REMOTE_ADDR', # '', # 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', # 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)', # 'HTTP_REFERER', # '' # ], # [ # 'EOF', # '\n', # 'EOL', # '\n^\n', # 'EOV', # '}', # 'SOV', # '${' # ], # [ # 'EOF', # '^', # 'EOL', # '~-~', # 'SOV', # '${', # 'EOV', # '}' # ], # [ # 'EOF', # '^^', # 'EOL', # '~---~', # 'SOV', # '${', # 'EOV', # '}' # ] # ] # ################## # Write lenient FormA # open FORM, '>', $out_file; print FORM @fields; close FORM; File::SmartNL->fin($out_file) # 'UUT: File/^ # File_Spec: ^ # Revision: ^ # End_User: ^ # Author:^ # SVD: SVD::DataCop-DataFile^ # Template: STD/STD001.frm^ # ~-~ # Email:^ # Form: Udo-fully processed oils^ # Tutorial: *~~* Better Health thru Biochemistry *~~*^ # REMOTE_ADDR:^ # HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)^ # HTTP_REFERER:^ # ~-~ # EOF: \n^ # EOL: \n^^\n^ # EOV: }^ # SOV: ${^ # ~-~ # EOF: ^^ ^ # EOL: ~--~^ # SOV: ${^ # EOV: }^ # ~-~ # EOF: ^^^ ^ # EOL: ~----~^ # SOV: ${^ # EOV: }^ # ~-~ # ' # ################## # Read strict FormA # tie *FORM, 'Tie::FormA'; open FORM,'<',File::Spec->catfile($strict_in_file); @fields = <FORM>; close FORM; [@fields] # [ # [ # 'UUT', # 'File/', # 'File_Spec', # '', # 'Revision', # '', # 'End_User', # '', # 'Author', # '', # 'SVD', # 'SVD::DataCop-DataFile', # 'Template', # 'STD/STD001.frm' # ], # [ # 'Email', # '', # 'Form', # 'Udo-fully processed oils', # 'Tutorial', # '*~~* Better Health thru Biochemistry *~~*', # 'REMOTE_ADDR', # '', # 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', # 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)', # 'HTTP_REFERER', # '' # ], # [ # 'EOF', # '\n', # 'EOL', # '\n^\n', # 'EOV', # '}', # 'SOV', # '${' # ], # [ # 'EOF', # '^', # 'EOL', # '~-~', # 'SOV', # '${', # 'EOV', # '}' # ], # [ # 'EOF', # '^^', # 'EOL', # '~---~', # 'SOV', # '${', # 'EOV', # '}' # ] # ] # ################## # Write strict FormA # open FORM, '>', $out_file; print FORM @fields; close FORM; File::SmartNL->fin($out_file) # 'UUT: File/^ # File_Spec: ^ # Revision: ^ # End_User: ^ # Author:^ # SVD: SVD::DataCop-DataFile^ # Template: STD/STD001.frm^ # ~-~ # Email:^ # Form: Udo-fully processed oils^ # Tutorial: *~~* Better Health thru Biochemistry *~~*^ # REMOTE_ADDR:^ # HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)^ # HTTP_REFERER:^ # ~-~ # EOF: \n^ # EOL: \n^^\n^ # EOV: }^ # SOV: ${^ # ~-~ # EOF: ^^ ^ # EOL: ~--~^ # SOV: ${^ # EOV: }^ # ~-~ # EOF: ^^^ ^ # EOL: ~----~^ # SOV: ${^ # EOV: }^ # ~-~ # ' # unlink $out_file; QUALITY ASSURANCE The module "t::Tie::FormA" is the Software Test Description(STD) module for the "Tie::FormA" program module. To generate all the test output files, run the generated test script, run the demonstration script, execute the following in any directory: tmake -verbose -demo -run -test_verbose -pm=t::Tie::FormA Note that must be in the execution path "$ENV{PATH}" and the "t" directory on the same level as the "lib" that contains the "Tie::FormA" program module. The "tmake" subroutine is in the "Test::STDmaker|Test::STDmaker" distribution file. NOTES Construction of Words The construction of the words "shall", "may" and "should" shall[1] conform to United States (US) Departmart of Defense (DoD) STD490A which is more precise and even consistent, at times, with RFC 2119, Binding requirements shall[2] be uniquely identified by the construction "shall[\d+]" , where "\d+" is an unique number for each paragraph(s) uniquely identified by a header. The construction of commonly used words and phrasing shall[3] conform to US DoD STD490A In accordance with US Dod STD490A 3.2.6, requirments shall[4] not be emphazied by underlining and capitalization. All of the requirements are important in obtaining the desired performance. Unless otherwise specified, in accordance with the Software Diamonds' License, Software Diamonds shall[5] not be responsible for this program module conforming to all the specified requirements, binding or otherwise. Author The author, holder of the copyright and maintainer is <> Copyright copyright © 2003 License Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3 In addition to condition (1) and (2), commercial installation of a software product with the binary or source code embedded in the software product or a software product of binary or source code, with or without modifications, must visually present to the installer the above copyright notice, this list of conditions intact, that the original source is available at and provide means for the installer to actively accept the list of conditions; otherwise, the commercial activity, as determined by Software Diamonds and published at, shall[1] pay a license fee to Software Diamonds and shall[2] make donations, to open source repositories carrying the source code. The construction of the word "shall[x]" is always mandatory and not merely directory and identifies each binding requirement of this License. It is the responsibility of the licensee to conform to all requirements. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SEE ALSO Tie::Layers Test::STDmaker Tie::CSV Tie::Eudora Data::Query NAME Docs::Site_SVD::Tie::FormA - Software Version Description (SVD) for the Tie::FormA program module. Title Page Software Version Description for Tie::FormA - Text Database that mimics a Form Revision: A Version: 0.02 Date: 2004/06/03 Prepared for: General Public Prepared by: < support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE <gt> Copyright: copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds Classification: NONE 1.0 SCOPE This paragraph identifies and provides an overview of the released files. 1.1 Identification This release, identified in 3.2, is a collection of Perl modules that extend the capabilities of the Perl language. 1.2 System overview The system is the Perl programming language software. As established by the Perl referenced documents, program modules, such the "Tie::Form" module, extends the Perl language. The "Tie::Form" program module accesses a text database file in the very specific Form format and inherits generic database methods from the "DataPort::DataFile" module. The "Tie::Form" program module is a data source for the "DataPort::DataFile" module. The Form format has improve flexability and performance over other text base formats such as the Comma Separated Variable (CSV) format. The text format resembles as much as possible the standard hard copy forms. An example of a "DatatPort::FIleType::Form record follows: manhood length: ________ ^ time spent in big house: _________ ^ what drugs do you use: _________ _________ ^ ~-~ The ':' separates field names and field content. The '^' tags the end of a field and the '~-~' tags the end of the record. The separation sequences are escaped within the form by adding an extra character as follows: sequence escaped -------- -------- ~-~ ~--~ ~--~ ~---~ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ : : :: ::: Since ~-~ never appears inside a record, Perl or any other Programming Language can very easily find the record separators just by ... well ... searching for it. The search for the end of field and end of field name are just a little bit more complicated. Search for a ':' or '^' all by itself. Escaping and unescaping is just adding one more ':', '^', '-' or removing one of these characters. The Form record looks very much like a hard copy form yet is very simple and straight forward for Perl or any other programming language to process. 1.3 Document overview. This document releases Tie::FormA version 0.02 providing description of the inventory, installation instructions and other information necessary to utilize and track this release. 3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION All file specifications in this SVD use the Unix operating system file specification. 3.1 Inventory of materials released. This document releases the file Tie-FormA-0.02.tar.gz found at the following repository(s): http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions are as follows: Copyright. copyright © 2003 Software Diamonds Copyright holder contact. 603 882-0846 E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> License. Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified shall[1] retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form shall[2] reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3 In addition to condition (1) and (2), commercial installation of a software product with the binary or source code embedded in the software product or a software product of binary or source code, with or without modifications, shall[3] visually present to the installer the above copyright notice, this list of conditions intact, that the original source is available at and provide means for the installer to actively accept the list of conditions; otherwise, the commercial activity, as determined by Software Diamonds and published at, shall[4] pay a license fee to Software Diamonds and shall[5] make donations, to open source repositories carrying the source code. The construction of the word "shall[x]" is always mandatory and not merely directory and identifies each binding requirement of this License. It is the responsibility of the licensee to conform to all requirements. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2 Inventory of software contents The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, consists of the following files: file version date comment ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ lib/Docs/Site_SVD/Tie/ 0.02 2004/06/03 revised 0.01 MANIFEST 0.02 2004/06/03 generated, replaces 0.01 Makefile.PL 0.02 2004/06/03 generated, replaces 0.01 README 0.02 2004/06/03 generated, replaces 0.01 lib/Tie/ 0.02 2004/06/03 revised 0.01 lib/Bundle/Tie/ 0.02 2004/06/03 revised 0.01 t/Tie/FormA.d 0.02 2004/06/03 revised 0.01 t/Tie/ 0.02 2004/06/03 revised 0.01 t/Tie/FormA.t 0.02 2004/06/03 revised 0.01 t/Tie/FormA/lenient0.txt 0.01 2004/06/01 unchanged t/Tie/FormA/lenient2.txt 0.01 2004/06/01 unchanged t/Tie/FormA/strict0.txt 0.01 2004/06/01 unchanged t/digest.t 0.01 2004/06/03 new t/File/ 1.14 2004/05/03 new t/Tie/ 1.25 2004/04/28 unchanged t/Tie/Algorithm/ 1.15 unchanged t/Tie/File/ 1.16 2004/05/24 unchanged t/Tie/File/ 1.18 2004/05/24 unchanged t/Tie/Test/ 1.27 2004/05/28 unchanged t/Tie/Data/ 1.26 2004/05/24 unchanged t/Tie/Data/ 0.08 2004/05/24 unchanged 3.3 Changes Changes to previous revisions are as follows: Tie::Form 0.01 Originated Tie::Form 0.02 The "new" subroutine did not "bless" with the input "$class". Fixed. Tie::FormA 0.01 Add the "config" subroutine. Recoded the "new" subroutine changing the functional (user) interface. The different user interface destories backward compatiblitiy with the version. Adding a revision letter A to the program module name starts a new development thread that superceds and obsoletes the "Tie::Form" module. 3.4 Adaptation data. This installation requires that the installation site has the Perl programming language installed. There are no other additional requirements or tailoring needed of configurations files, adaptation data or other software needed for this installation particular to any installation site. 3.5 Related documents. There are no related documents needed for the installation and test of this release. 3.6 Installation instructions. Instructions for installation, installation tests and installation support are as follows: Installation Instructions. To installed the release file, use the CPAN module pr PPM module in the Perl release or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. If all else fails, the file may be manually installed. Enter one of the following repositories in a web browser: http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Right click on 'Tie-FormA-0.02.tar.gz' and download to a temporary installation directory. Enter the following where $make is 'nmake' for microsoft windows; otherwise 'make'. gunzip Tie-FormA-0.02.tar.gz tar -xf Tie-FormA-0.02.tar perl Makefile.PL $make test $make install On Microsoft operating system, nmake, tar, and gunzip must be in the exeuction path. If tar and gunzip are not install, download and install unxutils from Prerequistes. 'Tie::Layers' => '0.06', 'Data::Startup' => '0.08', Security, privacy, or safety precautions. None. Installation Tests. Most Perl installation software will run the following test script(s) as part of the installation: t/digest.t t/Tie/FormA.t Installation support. If there are installation problems or questions with the installation contact 603 882-0846 E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> 3.7 Possible problems and known errors There are no known open issues. 4.0 NOTES Acronyms The following are useful acronyms: .d extension for a Perl demo script file .pm extension for a Perl Library Module .t extension for a Perl test script file Construction of Words The construction of the words "shall", "may" and "should" shall[1] conform to United States (US) Departmart of Defense (DoD) STD490A which is more precise and even consistent, at times, with RFC 2119, Binding requirements shall[2] be uniquely identified by the construction "shall[\d+]" , where "\d+" is an unique number for each paragraph(s) uniquely identified by a header. The construction of commonly used words and phrasing shall[3] conform to US DoD STD490A In accordance with US Dod STD490A 3.2.6, requirments shall[4] not be emphazied by underlining and capitalization. All of the requirements are important in obtaining the desired performance. Unless otherwise specified, in accordance with Software Diamonds' License, Software Diamonds shall[5] not be responsible for this program module conforming to all the specified requirements, binding or otherwise. 2.0 SEE ALSO Tie::FormA