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"Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs", "config" : { "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs" : { "phase" : "develop", "type" : "requires" } }, "name" : "DevelopRequires", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FileFinder::ByName", "name" : "MostLibs", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Version", "name" : "Test::Version", "version" : "1.09" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Conflicts", "name" : "Conflicts", "version" : "0.19" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":InstallModules", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":IncModules", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":TestFiles", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":ExtraTestFiles", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":ExecFiles", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":PerlExecFiles", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":ShareFiles", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":MainModule", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":AllFiles", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : ":NoFiles", "version" : "6.010" }, { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Plugin::FinderCode", "name" : "@DROLSKY/MetaProvides::Package/AUTOVIV/:InstallModulesPM", "version" : "6.010" } ], "zilla" : { "class" : "Dist::Zilla::Dist::Builder", "config" : { "is_trial" : 0 }, "version" : "6.010" } }, "x_authority" : "cpan:DROLSKY", "x_breaks" : { "Log::Dispatch::File::Stamped" : "<= 0.17" }, "x_contributors" : [ "Anirvan Chatterjee <anirvan@users.noreply.github.com>", "Carsten Grohmann <mail@carstengrohmann.de>", "Doug Bell <doug@preaction.me>", "Graham Ollis <plicease@cpan.org>", "Gregory Oschwald <goschwald@maxmind.com>", "Johann Rolschewski <jorol@cpan.org>", "Jonathan Swartz <swartz@pobox.com>", "Karen Etheridge <ether@cpan.org>", "Kerin Millar <kfm@plushkava.net>", "Kivanc Yazan <kivancyazan@gmail.com>", "Konrad Bucheli <kb@open.ch>", "Michael Schout <mschout@gkg.net>", "Olaf Alders <olaf@wundersolutions.com>", "Olivier Mengu\u00e9 <dolmen@cpan.org>", "Rohan Carly <se456@rohan.id.au>", "Ross Attrill <ross.attrill@gmail.com>", "Salvador Fandi\u00f1o <sfandino@yahoo.com>", "Slaven Rezic <srezic@cpan.org>", "Steve Bertrand <steveb@cpan.org>", "Whitney Jackson <whitney.jackson@baml.com>" ], "x_serialization_backend" : "Cpanel::JSON::XS version 3.0233" }