Compress::Zopfli ================ **Perl Bindings for Google [Zopfli][1] Compression Algorithm** [][2] [][3] [1]: [2]: [3]: # SYNOPSIS ```perl use Compress::Zopfli; $gz = compress($input, ZOPFLI_FORMAT_GZIP, { iterations => 15, blocksplitting => 1, blocksplittingmax => 15, }); ``` # DESCRIPTION The `Compress::Zopfli` module provides a Perl interface to the `zopfli` compression library. The zopfli library is bundled with `Compress::Zopfli` , so you don't need the `zopfli` library installed on your system. The `zopfli` library only contains one single compression function, which is directly available via `Compress::Zopfli`. It supports three different compression variations. See ["CONSTANTS"](#constants) for a complete list. # COMPRESS The `zopfli` library can only compress, not decompress. Existing zlib or deflate libraries can decompress the data, i.e. `IO::Compress`. ## `$compressed = compress( $input, ZOPFLI_FORMAT, \%opts )` This is the only function provided by `Compress::Zopfli`. The input must be a string, as the underlying function does not seem to support any streaming interface. More convenient APIs may be implemented on top. # OPTIONS Options map directly to the `zopfli` low-level function. Must be a hash reference (i.e. anonymous hash) and supports the following options: - `iterations` Maximum amount of times to rerun forward and backward pass to optimize LZ77 compression cost. Good values: 10, 15 for small files, 5 for files over several MB in size or it will be too slow. Default: 15 - `blocksplitting` If true, splits the data in multiple deflate blocks with optimal choice for the block boundaries. Block splitting gives better compression. Default: on. - `blocksplittingmax` Maximum amount of blocks to split into (0 for unlimited, but this can give extreme results that hurt compression on some files). Default value: 15. # ALIASES You probably only want to use a certain compression type. Use one of the module aliases to avoid passing the **ZOPFLI_FORMAT**: - `Compress::Zopfli::GZIP` - `Compress::Zopfli::ZLIB` - `Compress::Zopfli::Deflate` They export one `compress` function without the **ZOPFLI_FORMAT** option. ```perl use Compress::Zopfli::Deflate; compress $input, { iterations: 20 }; ``` # CONSTANTS All the `zopfli` constants are automatically imported when you make use of `Compress::Zopfli`. - `ZOPFLI_FORMAT_GZIP`: RFC 1952 - `ZOPFLI_FORMAT_ZLIB`: RFC 1950 - `ZOPFLI_FORMAT_DEFLATE`: RFC 1951 # AUTHOR - [2017 Marcel Greter][4] [4]: # MODIFICATION HISTORY See the [Changes][5] file. [5]: ./Changes