{ "abstract" : "Stock and commodity charting program.", "author" : [ "Kevin Ryde <user42_kevin@yahoo.com.au>" ], "dynamic_config" : 1, "generated_by" : "ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 7.44, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010", "license" : [ "gpl_3" ], "meta-spec" : { "url" : "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta::Spec", "version" : 2 }, "name" : "App-Chart", "no_index" : { "directory" : [ "t", "inc", "devel", "misc", "doc", "po" ], "package" : [ "Gtk2::Ex::Datasheet::DBI::CellRendererText" ] }, "optional_features" : { "check_isin" : { "description" : "Validate downloaded ISIN values.", "prereqs" : { "runtime" : { "requires" : { "Business::ISIN" : "0" } } } }, "maximum_diagnostics" : { "description" : "Have as much information as possible in the Help/Diagnostics dialog.", "prereqs" : { "runtime" : { "recommends" : { "Devel::Arena" : "0" }, "requires" : { "BSD::Resource" : "0", "Devel::FindBlessedRefs" : "0", "Devel::Mallinfo" : "0", "Devel::Peek" : "0", "Devel::SawAmpersand" : "0" } } } }, "maximum_error_info" : { "description" : "Have as much information as possible in the Error dialog.", "prereqs" : { "runtime" : { "recommends" : { "Devel::StackTrace" : "1.19" }, "requires" : { "Devel::StackTrace" : "0" } } } }, "maximum_indicators" : { "description" : "Have as many indicators available as possible.", "prereqs" : { "runtime" : { "requires" : { "Finance::TA" : "0", "GT::Indicators" : "0" } } } }, "maximum_sources" : { "description" : "Have as many data sources available as possible.", "prereqs" : { "runtime" : { "requires" : { "Finance::Quote" : "0", "Finance::Quote::TSP" : "0" } } } }, "source_FQ" : { "description" : "Finance::Quote data source.", "prereqs" : { "runtime" : { "requires" : { "Finance::Quote" : "0" } } } }, "source_TSP" : { "description" : "Thrift Savings Plan data source.", "prereqs" : { "runtime" : { "requires" : { "Finance::Quote::TSP" : "0" } } } } }, "prereqs" : { "build" : { "requires" : { "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0" } }, "configure" : { "requires" : { "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0" } }, "develop" : { "requires" : { "Image::ExifTool" : "0" } }, "runtime" : { "recommends" : { "I18N::Langinfo::Wide" : "2", "Module::Pluggable" : "4.7", "Set::IntSpan::Fast::XS" : "0.05" }, "requires" : { "Class::Singleton" : "1.4", "Class::WeakSingleton" : "0", "DBD::SQLite" : "1.27", "DBI" : "0", "DBI::Const::GetInfoType" : "0", "Date::Calc" : "5.0", "Date::Parse" : "0", "Encode::Locale" : "0", "File::HomeDir" : "0.61", "File::Slurp" : "0", "File::Spec" : "0", "File::Temp" : "0", "Glib" : "1.220", "Glib::Ex::ConnectProperties" : "18", "Glib::Ex::FreezeNotify" : "1", "Glib::Ex::ObjectBits" : "12", "Glib::Ex::SignalBits" : "9", "Glib::Ex::SignalIds" : "16", "Glib::Ex::SourceIds" : "2", "Glib::Object::Subclass" : "0", "Gtk2" : "1.220", "Gtk2::Ex::ActionTooltips" : "10", "Gtk2::Ex::AdjustmentBits" : "47", "Gtk2::Ex::CrossHair" : "17", "Gtk2::Ex::Datasheet::DBI" : "0", "Gtk2::Ex::DateSpinner" : "2", "Gtk2::Ex::DateSpinner::CellRenderer" : "0", "Gtk2::Ex::Dragger" : "2", "Gtk2::Ex::EntryBits" : "11", "Gtk2::Ex::ErrorTextDialog" : "2", "Gtk2::Ex::ErrorTextDialog::Handler" : "2", "Gtk2::Ex::GdkBits" : "23", "Gtk2::Ex::History" : "1", "Gtk2::Ex::History::Action" : "1", "Gtk2::Ex::KeySnooper" : "3", "Gtk2::Ex::Lasso" : "1", "Gtk2::Ex::ListModelConcat" : "1", "Gtk2::Ex::MenuBits" : "17", "Gtk2::Ex::MenuView" : "1", "Gtk2::Ex::NoShrink" : "2", "Gtk2::Ex::NumAxis" : "4", "Gtk2::Ex::PixbufBits" : "35", "Gtk2::Ex::Statusbar::Message" : "47", "Gtk2::Ex::Statusbar::MessageUntilKey" : "11", "Gtk2::Ex::TableBits" : "47", "Gtk2::Ex::TextBufferBits" : "18", "Gtk2::Ex::TextView::FollowAppend" : "1", "Gtk2::Ex::TickerView" : "7", "Gtk2::Ex::TreeModel::ImplBits" : "17", "Gtk2::Ex::TreeModelBits" : "16", "Gtk2::Ex::TreeModelFilter::Change" : "9", "Gtk2::Ex::TreeModelFilter::Draggable" : "0", "Gtk2::Ex::TreeViewBits" : "8", "Gtk2::Ex::Units" : "13", "Gtk2::Ex::WidgetBits" : "10", "Gtk2::Ex::WidgetCursor" : "8", "Gtk2::Ex::WidgetEvents" : "21", "Gtk2::Pango" : "0", "HTML::Form" : "0", "HTML::LinkExtor" : "0", "HTML::TableExtract" : "0", "HTML::TreeBuilder" : "0", "HTTP::Cookies" : "0", "HTTP::Message" : "5.814", "HTTP::Request" : "0", "IO::String" : "1.07", "JSON" : "0", "LWP" : "5.814", "LWP::UserAgent" : "0", "Lisp::Printer" : "0", "Lisp::Reader" : "0.04", "Lisp::Symbol" : "0", "List::MoreUtils" : "0.24", "Locale::Messages" : "1.19", "Locale::TextDomain" : "1.19", "Math::Round" : "0", "Module::Find" : "0.06", "Module::Pluggable" : "0", "Module::Util" : "0", "Number::Format" : "1.60", "POSIX::Wide" : "0", "PerlIO::via::EscStatus" : "2", "PerlIO::via::EscStatus::Parser" : "0", "PerlIO::via::EscStatus::ShowAll" : "0", "PerlIO::via::EscStatus::ShowNone" : "0", "Proc::SyncExec" : "0", "Regexp::Common" : "0", "Regexp::Tr" : "0", "Set::IntSpan::Fast" : "1.10", "Software::License::GPL_3" : "0.001", "Spreadsheet::ParseExcel" : "0", "Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Utility" : "0", "Text::Glob" : "0", "Tie::Cache" : "0", "Tie::IxHash" : "0", "Tie::TZ" : "1", "Time::HiRes" : "0", "Time::Local" : "1.27", "Time::TZ" : "6", "URI::Escape" : "0", "URI::file" : "0", "constant::defer" : "0", "perl" : "5.010" } }, "test" : { "requires" : { "Test::More" : "0", "Test::Weaken::Gtk2" : "17" }, "suggests" : { "Test::Compile" : "0.08", "Test::MockTime" : "0.03", "Test::MockTime::DateCalc" : "0", "Test::UseAllModules" : "0", "Test::Weaken" : "3", "Test::Weaken::ExtraBits" : "0" } } }, "release_status" : "stable", "resources" : { "homepage" : "http://user42.tuxfamily.org/chart/index.html", "license" : [ "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html" ] }, "version" : 272, "x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 4.04" }