NAME JSON::API - Module to interact with a JSON API SYNOPSIS use JSON::API; my $api = JSON::API->new(""); my $obj = { name => 'foo', type => 'bar' }; if ($api->put("/add/obj", $obj) { print "Success!\n"; } else { print $api->errstr . "\n"; } DESCRIPTION This module wraps JSON and LWP::UserAgent to create a flexible utility for accessing APIs that accept/provide JSON data. It supports all the options LWP supports, including authentication. METHODS new Creates a new JSON::API object for connecting to any API that accepts and provide JSON data. Example: my $api = JSON::API->new("", user => 'foo', pass => 'bar', realm => 'my_protected_site', agent => 'MySpecialBrowser/1.0', cookie_jar => '/tmp/cookie_jar', ); Parameters: base_url The base URL to apply to all requests you send this api, for example: parameters This is a hash of options that can be passed in to an LWP object. Additionally, the user, pass, and realm may be provided to configure authentication for LWP. You must provide all three parameters for authentication to work properly. Specifying debug => 1 in the parameters hash will also enable debugging output within JSON::API. get|post|put|del Perform an HTTP action (GET|POST|PUT|DELETE) against the given API. All methods take the path to the API endpoint as the first parameter. The put() and post() methods also accept a second data parameter, which should be a reference to be serialized into JSON for POST/PUTing to the endpoint. If called in scalar context, returns the deserialized JSON content returned by the server. If no content was returned, returns an empty hashref. To check for errors, call errstr or was_success. If called in list context, returns a two-value array. The first value will be the HTTP response code for the request. The second value will either be the deserialized JSON data. If no data is returned, returns an empty hashref. get Performs an HTTP GET on the given path. path will be appended to the base_url provided when creating this object. If given a data object, this will be turned into querystring parameters, with URI encoded values. my $obj = $api->get('/objects/1'); # Automatically add + encode querystring params my $obj = $api->get('/objects/1', { param => 'value' }); put Performs an HTTP PUT on the given path, with the provided data. Like get, this will append path to the end of the base_url. $api->put('/objects/', $obj); post Performs an HTTP POST on the given path, with the provided data. Like get, this will append path to the end of the base_url. $api->post('/objects/', [$obj1, $obj2]); del Performs an HTTP DELETE on the given path. Like get, this will append path to the end of the base_url. $api->del('/objects/first'); errstr Returns the current error string for the last call. was_success Returns whether or not the last request was successful. url Returns the complete URL of a request, when given a path. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Geoff Franks <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2014, Geoff Franks This library is licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.0