# Mojolicious::Plugin::ErrorsAndWarnings [](https://travis-ci.org/kwakwaversal/mojolicious-plugin-errorsandwarnings) Store errors & warnings during a request for the [Mojolicious](http://mojolicio.us) web framework ```perl # Mojolicious example package MyApp; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; sub startup { my $self = shift; $self->plugin('ErrorsAndWarnings'); # Router my $r = $self->routes; $r->get('/')->to(cb => sub { my $c = shift; $c->add_error('first_error'); $c->add_error('second_error', more => 'detail'); # {"errors":[{"code":"first_error"},{"code":"second_error","more":"detail"}]} $c->render(json => { errors => $c->errors }); }); } 1; ``` [Mojolicious::Plugin::ErrorsAndWarnings](https://metacpan.org/release/Mojolicious-Plugin-ErrorsAndWarnings) is a basic plugin for [Mojolicious](https://metacpan.org/release/Mojolicious) which provides helpers to store and retrieve user-defined errors and warnings. This is particularly useful to help collect errors and warnings from within multiple method calls during a request cycle. At the end of the request, the error and warning objects provide additional information about any problems encountered while performing an operation. Adding errors or warnings will store them under the Mojolicious stash key `plugin.errors` by default. Don't access this stash value directly. Use the `$c->errors` and `$c->warnings` accessors instead. ```perl # add errors and warnings using the imported helpers $c->add_error('first_error'); $c->add_warning('first_warning'); # {"errors":[{"code":"first_error"}], "warnings":[{"code":"first_warning"}]} $c->render(json => {errors => $c->errors, warnings => $c->warnings}); ``` The first argument to `add_error` or `add_warning` is referred to as the `code`. This an application-specific error or warning code, expressed as a string value. ```perl $c->add_error('sql', status => 400, title => 'Your SQL is malformed.'); $c->add_warning('search', title => 'Invalid search column.', path => 'pw'); # { # "errors": [ # { # "code": "sql", # "status": 400, # "title": "Your SQL is malformed." # } # ], # "warnings": [ # { # "code": "search", # "path": "password", # "title": "Invalid search column." # } # ] # } $c->render(json => {errors => $c->errors, warnings => $c->warnings}); ``` Additional members can be added to provide more specific information about the problem. See also <http://jsonapi.org/format/#errors> for examples of other members you might want to use.