# NAME Flexconf - Configuration files management library and program # SYNOPSIS use Flexconf; my $conf = Flexconf->new({k=>'v',...} || nothing) # parse or stringify, format: 'json'||'yaml' $conf->parse(format => '{"k":"v"}') $string = $conf->stringify('format') # save or load, format (may be ommitted): 'auto'||'json'||'yaml' $conf->load(format => $filename) $conf->save(firmat => $filename) $conf->load($filename) # autodetect format by file ext $conf->save($filename) # autodetect format by file ext # replace whole tree $conf->data({k=>'v',...}) # access to root of conf tree $root = $conf->data $root = $conf->get # access to subtree in depth by path $module_conf = $conf->get('app.module') # assign subtree in depth by path $conf->assign('h', {a=>[]}) $conf->assign('h.a.0', [1,2,3]) $conf->assign('h.a.0.2', {k=>'v'}) # copy subtree to another location $conf->copy('to', 'from') $conf->copy('k.a', 'h.a.0') # remove subtree by path $conf->remove('k.v') # DESCRIPTION Flexconf is base for configuration management # LICENSE Copyright (C) Serguei Okladnikov. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Serguei Okladnikov <oklaspec@gmail.com>