After unzipping and untarring the distribution directory, you install
    the library by running these commands:

        perl Makefile.PL
        make test
        make install

    `Net::ICQV5CD' - Module to crypt/decrypt ICQ protocol V5 packets.

     use Net::ICQV5CD;

     $packet = "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718";
     $packet = pack("H*",$packet);
     $packet = ICQV5_CRYPT_PACKET
     $packet = ICQV5_DECRYPT_PACKET

    This module provides set of functions to crypt/decrypt ICQ V5 packets.


    ICQ V5 Crypt Table

  $checkcode = ICQV5_GET_PACKET_CHECKCODE($packet)

    Function that will return packet checkcode. If you don't know what is
    checkcode this fucntion will not be useful for you.

  $scheckcode = ICQV5_SCRAMBLE_CHECKCODE($checkcode)

    Function that will return packet scrabmled checkcode. If you don't know
    what is checkcode this fucntion will not be useful for you.

  $dscheckcode = ICQV5_DESCRAMBLE_CHECKCODE($checkcode)

    Function that will return packet descrabmled checkcode. If you don't
    know what is checkcode this fucntion will not be useful for you.

  $crypted_packet = ICQV5_CRYPT_PACKET($packet)

    Function that crypt incoming packet by ICQ V5 algorithm. This is most
    usable function. Packet must coming as string.

  $decrypted_packet = ICQV5_DECRYPT_PACKET($packet)

    Function that decrypt incoming packet by ICQ V5 algorithm. This is most
    usable function. Packet must coming as string.

    I am in no way affiliated with Mirabilis!

    This module was made without any help from Mirabilis or their consent.
    No reverse engineering or decompilation of any Mirabilis code took place
    to make this program.

    Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sergei A. Nemarov ( All rights
    reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.