# NAME Net::Hadoop::HuahinManager - Client library for Huahin Manager. # SYNOPSIS use Net::Hadoop::HuahinManager; my $client = Net::Hadoop::HuahinManager->new(server => 'manager.local'); my $all_jobs = $client->list(); my $failed_jobs = $client->list('failed'); my $status = $client->status($jobid); my $detail = $client->detail($jobid); $client->kill($jobid) or die "failed to kill jobid: $jobid"; # DESCRIPTION This module is for systems with Huahin Manager, REST API proxy tool for Hadoop JobTracker. About Huahin Manager: http://huahin.github.com/huahin-manager/ At just now, Net::Hadoop::HuahinManager supports only list/status/kill (not register). # METHODS Net::Hadoop::HuahinManager class method and instance methods. ## CLASS METHODS ### `Net::Hadoop::HuahinManager->new( %args ) :Net::Hadoop::HuahinManager` Creates and returns a new client instance with _%args_, might be: - server :Str = "manager.local" - port :Int = 9010 (default) - useragent :Str - timeout :Int = 10 ## INSTANCE METHODS ### `$client->list( [ $op ] ) :ArrayRef` Get list of jobs and returns these as arrayref. - op :String (optional, one of 'all' (default), 'failed', 'killed', 'prep', 'running' and 'succeeded') ### `$client->status( $jobid ) :HashRef` Gets job status specified by _$jobid_ string, and returns it. ### `$client->detail( $jobid ) :HashRef` Gets job detail status specified by _$jobid_ string, and returns it. ### `$client->kill( $jobid ) :Bool` Kill the job of _$jobid_. ### `$client->kill_by_name( $jobname ) :Bool` Kill the job specified by job name _$jobname_. # AUTHOR TAGOMORI Satoshi <tagomoris {at} gmail.com> # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.