NetAddr-IP-Obfuscate version 0.01

This is a module for replacing IP addresses in plain text with
obfuscated equivalents from the network range supplied. IP addresses
are replaced one-for-one throughout the text, so once an IP address
has an obfuscated equivalent, it stays that way. This is useful for
things like Nessus scan reports that you want to share or make public,
but want to shield an organization's identity at the same time.

Here are some examples of usage:

  use NetAddr::IP::Obfuscate;

  use NetAddr::IP::Obfuscate;
  $num_found = do_obfu($infile, "", $outfile);

  use NetAddr::IP::Obfuscate;
  @obfuscated_ips = do_obfu($infile, "", $outfile);

  use NetAddr::IP::Obfuscate;
  do_obfu("STDIN", "", "STDOUT");

  cat /tmp/somecompany.nsr | \
  perl -MNetAddr::IP::Obfuscate -e 'do_obfu()' > /tmp/sample.nsr

NetAddr::IP::Obfuscate exports one function, do_obfu().

  $num_found = do_obfu ($infile, $network, $outfile);
  @obfuscated_ips = do_obfu ($infile, $network, $outfile);

There is a no argument form of do_obfu, that assigns default values to
all its parameters. The first, the input file, is set to "STDIN", the
second, the network range used for replacement, is set to
"", and the last, the output file, is set to "STDOUT". This
form is particularly useful for something like this one-liner:

  cat /tmp/somecompany.nsr | \
  perl -MNetAddr::IP::Obfuscate -e 'do_obfu()' > /tmp/sample.nsr

Which will obfuscate all the IP addresses in /tmp/somecompany.nsr with
IP's from the range, and write the result out to

In the three-argument version, the first argument is the input text
file, presumably containing IP addresses, that we will be
obfuscating. Use the string "STDIN" to read from standard input.

The second argument is a network address, which should be given in
CIDR notation, and really represents a range of IP addresses from
which we can draw from while doing the IP address substitutions (Note
that the use of NetAddr::IP means that we will never overflow this
range - but it will wrap around if we increment it enough). Using an
RFC1918 private address range is a good idea if you are using this
module to obfuscate Nessus scan reports for public dissemination.

The last function argument is the output file, which will have all of
the original file's IP addresses, replaced one-for-one with IP
addresses from the supplied range. Use the string "STDOUT" for
standard output.

do_obfu returns the total number of IP addresses replaced if it is
called in a scalar context, or a list of the obfuscated IP addresses,
if called in a list context.

Using File::Slurp in do_obfu gets error checking on the file reads and
writes for free, and also means that the file slurping/burping is


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:



Copyright (C) 2005 by Doug Maxwell

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.