This is the README file for PerlPoint-Converters

PerlPoint is a simple text format which allows easy typing of text
with headlines, bullet lists, normal text paragraphs, indented
paragraphs for code examples etc., from which slides for presentations
can be generated by a script without the need of proprietary software.
Since there is a large variety of platforms which provide web browsers,
HTML is a good choice for the output format. In principle, however, it
is possible to generate each output format whose specification is known.
At the moment there exist converters for HTML, LaTeX (alpha software)
and SDF. The latter both may be used to generate printable output or to
provide the basis for further processing.

This package contains:

  pp2html      PerlPoint to HTML converter
  pp2latex     PerlPoint to LaTeX converter


  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

For more information please refer to ./lib/PerlPoint/

  % pod2text ./lib/PerlPoint/ | less

Lorenz Domke <>