Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LocalHTML - create CSS-rich HTML pages from the
    POD-aware files for local browsing

    version v0.1.1

        # dist.ini
        local_prefix = Dist::Zilla::
        local_preifx = MyProject\b
        dir = html_local   ; where to create HTML files
        ignore = bin/myscript1   ; what input file to ignore
        ignore = bin/myscript2   ; another input to ignore

    *This plugin is based upon Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Pod2Html. Check for more
    info below.*

    This plugin generates HTML pages from the POD files and puts them into
    the distribution in a separate directory (not as a tree of files but
    flatten). The created HTML pages have the same (or, at least, similar)
    style as the modules' documentation shown at CPAN. They're also suitable
    for local browsing meaning linking between pages is local to the file
    system meaning that pages are browsable without any webserver or posting
    a module to CPAN. This could be especially handy for developers using
    unicode in their docs as sometimes it is not displayed correctly with
    perldoc – like on macOS systems.

    It creates HTML pages from all files in the "lib" and "bin" directory
    that contain a POD section and that have ".pm" or ".pl" extension or
    that have the word "perl" in their first line. The plugin is run after
    other plugins that may munge files and create the POD sections (such as

    The plugin overrides Pod::Simple::HTML link generation. By
    distinguishing local and remote links it generates either a simple
    reference to local filesystem, or a reference to Link is
    conisdered local if there is a corresponding file for the original
    "<L<>"> Pod tag. For example, of the following to links:


    the first one is considered local if there is file
    lib/Local/Project/; the second one would get linked to if there is no file lib/Local/Project/

    Link type could additionally be determined by "local_prefix"
    configuration variable.

    This attribute changes the destination of the generated HTML files. It
    is a directory (or even a path) relative to the distribution root
    directory. Default value is "docs". For example:

        dir = docs/html

    What modules to consider as local - i.e. part of the current project.
    Few prefixes could be defined. Each one could be a regexp expression. A
    module is considered local if it matches against one of the local
    prefixes. Note that match is done agains the beginning of module name.


    The above expressions will match against:


    NOTE There is no way yet to define local status for files other that
    modules. Solution is planned for future.

    Class to be used for HTML generation. Must be a descendant of
    Pod::Simple::HTML. Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LocalHTML::Pod2HTML is used by

    This attribute allows to ignore some input files that would be otherwise
    converted to HTML. Its value is a file name that should be ignored
    (relative to the distribution root directory). By default no
    (appropriate) files are ignored. The attribute can be repeated if you
    wish to ignore more files. For example:

        ignore = lib/My/
        ignore = bin/obscure-script

    The method decides (by returning something or undef) whether the given
    file should be a candidate for the conversion to the HTML. The parameter
    is a blessed object with the "Dist::Zilla::Role::File" role.

    The main job

  "base_filename( $file )"
    Returns base name of HTML file formed of source file path. Rules are:

    1. Suffix is stripped off
    2. Leading lib, bin, or script subdir is removed.
    3. Remaining elements are joined with a dash symbol.

    The result gets appenede with .html

  "output_filename( $file )"
    Create and return a suitable name for the output file for the given
    input $file.

  "pod2html( $file )"
    This method does the conversion to the HTML (using module defined by
    "pod2html_class"). It gets an input file (a blessed object with the
    "Dist::Zilla::Role::File" role) and it should return a converted
    content. By overwriting this method a new plugin can make any
    conversion, to anything.

    It returns a string containing CSS-style definitions. The string will be
    used in the "head" section of the created HTML file. See its default
    value in the *__DATA__* section of this module.

    This plugin is a rewrite of Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Pod2Html. I would like
    to express my deepest gratitude to Martin Senger
    <> for his great work! The original copyright for
    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Pod2Html follows.

    * This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Martin Senger, CBRC - KAUST
    (Computational Biology Research Center - King Abdullah University of
    Science and Technology) All Rights Reserved.. *

    Vadim Belman <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Vadim Belman.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

    Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained

    Around line 198:
        An empty L<>