Monorail - Database Migrations


    version 0.3


       ./ make_migration
       ./ migrate


    This module attempts to provide a simplier and more robust way to
    manage database migrations with DBIx::Class. This library borrows
    (steals!) ideas heavily from django's migrations

    The main goals of this library are to free the programmer from keeping
    track of schema versions and to work well with projects that have many
    branches in play.


 DBIx::Class is the source truth.

    Tables, their fields, views, triggers and procedures are all defined
    via the result classes in DBIx::Class. Whenever possible, Monorail does
    not add any functionality to DBIx::Class, but instead depends on
    existing deployment hooks.

 Migrations In Perl

    Any tool like Monorail ends up building a set of database updates
    called migrations. In other tools like DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler
    these changes are SQL files, with monorail these migrations are

    See Monorail::Role::Migration for an example of what these migration
    files look like.

 No database needed

    You do not need an active database connection to build a migration.
    Monorail compares the DBIx::Class schema on disk to a sql translator
    schema that contains all the changes defined in the migrations. This is
    where having the changes defined in perl becomes powerful - the objects
    in each migration know how to express themselves as SQL or as a change
    to a SQL::Translator schema).

 Dependency Tree

    Each migration has a list of other migrations that it depends on. This
    is used to build a tree (a directed acyclic graph if you want to be
    fancy) that describes the relationships between the migrations. Any new
    migration will be created with the sink vertices as its dependencies.
    This means that new migrations depend on all the previous migrations.

    It's also worth noting that all migrations in the monorail directory
    are included in the dependency tree. When a database is updated the
    tree is walked in topological order.

 Non-versioned migration state

    Pretty much every migration system I've looked at keeps track of what
    version a database is at. Usually this is a table with a integer column
    and a single row. There's migrations 1 thru 9 and the database is at 7?
    Apply 8 and 9.

    Monorail inserts a row with the migration name when it is applied, then
    as we are walking the tree we can just skip migrations that have the



    The DBIx::Class::Schema object for the schema we're managing. This will
    be used to inspect the current state of the result classes and for the
    DBI handle to the database we're updating.



    A string representing the type of database we're connecting to. By
    default this is dirived from the connection within dbix.


    The directory where our migration files live. Required.


    The recorder object is responsible for the table that stores migration
    states as discussed above.


    A Monorail::MigrationScript::Set object representing all the migrations
    that currently exist in the basedir.


    A Monorail::Diff object representing the current difference between the
    DBIx::Class schema on disk and the sum of the current migrations.


    A boolean flag. When true this module will print no informative
    messages to STDOUT. Defaults to false.



        # or

    Compares the current DBIx::Class definitions on disk to a ProtoDBIX
    built from all the migrations. If there are differences, a new
    migration script will be created that contains those differences. If no
    name is passed an autogenerated unique name will be used - otherwise
    the given name is used.



    Updates the database that we're connected to the current state of the
    migrations. Walks the dependency tree in topological order, applying
    all migrations that are not yet applied.


    Prints all the migrations by name in order. If the migration has been
    applied to the database, it will be marked with [X] in the output.


    Prints all the migration that would be applied by migrate().


    Prints a SQL representation of the given migration names.


    This word is basically a perl port of django migrations. Many many
    thanks in that direction.

    Anyone that worked on SQL::Translator, that module is a nuclear powered
    sonic swiss army knife of handy. This module is mostly just sugar on
    top of it.

    The DBIx::Class authors and contributers deserve a lot of free drinks
    for building a great ORM.


    Chris Reinhardt


    This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Liquid Web Inc.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.