Lingua::Slavic::Numbers - Converts numeric values into their French
    string equivalents

     # Procedural Style
     use Lingua::FR::Numbers qw(number_to_fr ordinate_to_fr);
     print number_to_fr( 345 );

     my $vingt  = ordinate_to_fr( 20 );
     print "Tintin est reporter au petit $vingt";

     # OO Style
     use Lingua::FR::Numbers;
     my $number = Lingua::FR::Numbers->new( 123 );
     print $number->get_string;
     print $number->get_ordinate;

     my $other_number = Lingua::FR::Numbers->new;
     $other_number->parse( 7340 );
     $french_string = $other_number->get_string;

    This module converts a number into a French cardinal or ordinal. It
    supports decimal numbers, but this feature is experimental.

    The interface tries to conform to the one defined in
    Lingua::EN::Number, though this module does not provide any parse()
    method. Also, unlike Lingua::En::Numbers, you can use this module in
    a procedural manner by importing the number_to_fr() function.

    If you plan to use this module with greater numbers (>10e20), you
    can use the Math::BigInt module:

     use Math::BigInt;
     use Lingua::FR::Numbers qw( number_to_fr );

     my $big_num = new Math::BigInt '1.23e68';
     print number_to_fr($big_num);
     # cent vingt-trois quintillions de sextillions

    This module should output strings for numbers up to, but not
    including, 1e75, but due to a lack of documentation in French
    grammar, it can only reliably output strings for numbers lower than
    1e51. For example, 1e72 is 'un sextillion de sextillion', but I am
    unable to say 1e51 or 1e69, at least for now.

  number_to_fr( $number )
     use Lingua::FR::Numbers qw(number_to_fr);
     my $depth = number_to_fr( 20_000 );
     my $year  = number_to_fr( 1870 );
     print "Jules Vernes écrivit _$depth lieues sous les mers_ en $year.";

    This function can be exported by the module.

  ordinate_to_fr( $number )
     use Lingua::FR::Numbers qw(ordinate_to_fr);
     my $twenty  = ordinate_to_fr( 20 );
     print "Tintin est reporter au petit $twenty";

    This function can be exported by the module.

  new( [ $number ] )
     my $start = Lingua::FR::Numbers->new( 500 );
     my $end   = Lingua::FR::Numbers->new( 3000 );
     print "Nous partîmes ", $start->get_string, 
           "; mais par un prompt renfort\n",
           "Nous nous vîmes ", $end->get_string," en arrivant au port"

    Creates and initializes a new instance of an object.

  parse( $number )
    Initializes (or reinitializes) the instance.

     my $string = $number->get_string;
    Returns the number as a formatted string in French, lowercased.

     my $string = $number->get_ordinate;
    Returns the ordinal representation of the number as a formatted
    string in French, lowercased.

    Invalid number format: '$number'
        (W) The number specified is not in a valid numeric format.

    Number '$number' too big to be represented as string
        (W) The number is too big to be converted into a string. Numbers
            must be lower than 1e75-1.

    *Le français correct - Maurice GREVISSE*

    *Décret n° 61-501 du 3 mai 1961. relatif aux unités de mesure et au
    contrôle des instruments de mesure.* -

    Though the module should be able to convert big numbers (up to
    10**36), I do not know how Perl handles them.

    Please report any bugs or comments using the Request Tracker

    Copyright 2002, Briac Pilpré. All Rights Reserved. This module can
    be redistributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Briac Pilpré <>

    Lingua::EN::Numbers, Lingua::Word2Num