# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI="8" VERIFY_SIG_OPENPGP_KEY_PATH=/usr/share/openpgp-keys/dehydrated.asc inherit verify-sig DESCRIPTION="A client for signing certificates with an ACME-server" HOMEPAGE="https://dehydrated.io/" SRC_URI=" https://github.com/dehydrated-io/${PN}/releases/download/v${PV}/${P}.tar.gz verify-sig? ( https://github.com/dehydrated-io/${PN}/releases/download/v${PV}/${P}.tar.gz.asc ) " LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 ~ppc64 ~riscv x86" IUSE="+cron" BDEPEND="verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-dehydrated )" RDEPEND="acct-group/dehydrated acct-user/dehydrated app-shells/bash net-misc/curl cron? ( virtual/cron )" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-openssl-stdout.patch ) src_configure() { default sed -i 's,^#CONFIG_D=.*,CONFIG_D="/etc/dehydrated/config.d",' docs/examples/config \ || die "could not set config (CONFIG_D)" } src_install() { dobin ${PN} insinto /etc/${PN} doins docs/examples/{config,domains.txt,hook.sh} fperms u+x /etc/${PN}/hook.sh dodoc docs/*.md insinto /etc/${PN}/config.d newins "${FILESDIR}"/00_gentoo.sh-r1 00_gentoo.sh keepdir /etc/${PN}/domains.d doman docs/man/dehydrated.1 if use cron ; then insinto /etc/cron.d newins "${FILESDIR}"/cron-r1 ${PN} fi } pkg_postinst() { if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]] ; then einfo "See /etc/dehydrated/config for configuration." use cron && einfo "After finishing setup you should enable the cronjob in /etc/cron.d/dehydrated." fi }