# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit cmake DESCRIPTION="Strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library in C" HOMEPAGE="https://uriparser.github.io/" SRC_URI="https://github.com/${PN}/${PN}/releases/download/${P}/${P}.tar.bz2" LICENSE="BSD" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 ppc ~ppc64 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos" IUSE="+doc qt5 test unicode" # +doc to address warning RequiredUseDefaults REQUIRED_USE="qt5? ( doc ) test? ( unicode )" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" DEPEND=" test? ( >=dev-cpp/gtest-1.8.1 ) " BDEPEND=" virtual/pkgconfig doc? ( >=app-text/doxygen-1.5.8 media-gfx/graphviz qt5? ( dev-qt/qthelp:5 ) ) " PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-docs-compilation.patch ) DOCS=( AUTHORS ChangeLog THANKS ) src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( -DURIPARSER_BUILD_CHAR=ON -DURIPARSER_BUILD_DOCS=$(usex doc ON OFF) -DURIPARSER_BUILD_TESTS=$(usex test ON OFF) -DURIPARSER_BUILD_TOOLS=ON -DURIPARSER_BUILD_WCHAR_T=$(usex unicode ON OFF) # The usex wrapper is here to address this warning: # One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: # CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Qt5Help $(usex doc "$(cmake_use_find_package qt5 Qt5Help)") ) cmake_src_configure } src_install() { cmake_src_install if use doc && use qt5; then dodoc "${BUILD_DIR}"/doc/*.qch docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/${P}.qch fi }