Edit from: https://salsa.debian.org/rocm-team/rocm-hipamd/-/blob/759b0773bd848ff9471fa8cdecd9ee21010bc29c/debian/patches/0013-hipcc-hip-version.patch `--hip-version` is required for correclty including __clang_hip_runtime_wrapper.h ================================================================================= Description: enforce --hip-version option within hipcc call. This change is needed since the normal mechanism in ROCm relies on reading a .hipVersion hidden configuration file which has no proper equivalent in a FHS compliant tree, as of ROCm 5.0. Author: Cordell Bloor <cgmb-deb@slerp.xyz> Bug: https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/pull/2937 Forwarded: not-needed Reviewed-by: Étienne Mollier <emollier@debian.org> Last-Update: 2022-07-04 --- This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ Index: HIP/bin/hipcc.pl =================================================================== --- HIP.orig/bin/hipcc.pl +++ HIP/bin/hipcc.pl @@ -121,6 +121,9 @@ $HIP_PATH = $hipvars::HIP_PATH; $ROCM_PATH = $hipvars::ROCM_PATH; $HIP_VERSION = $hipvars::HIP_VERSION; $HIP_ROCCLR_HOME = $hipvars::HIP_ROCCLR_HOME; +$HIP_VERSION_MAJOR = $hipvars::HIP_VERSION_MAJOR; +$HIP_VERSION_MINOR = $hipvars::HIP_VERSION_MINOR; +$HIP_VERSION_PATCH = $hipvars::HIP_VERSION_PATCH; if ($HIP_PLATFORM eq "amd") { $HIP_INCLUDE_PATH = "$HIP_ROCCLR_HOME/include"; @@ -188,6 +191,12 @@ if ($HIP_PLATFORM eq "amd") { ## Allow __fp16 as function parameter and return type. $HIPCXXFLAGS .= " -Xclang -fallow-half-arguments-and-returns -D__HIP_HCC_COMPAT_MODE__=1"; } + + # Gentoo: there is no FHS compliant location for .hipVersion where clang will still be + # able to find it, so .hipVersion has been omitted and the hip version is passed explicitly + $HIPCXXFLAGS .= " --hip-version=$HIP_VERSION_MAJOR.$HIP_VERSION_MINOR.$HIP_VERSION_PATCH"; + $HIPCFLAGS .= " --hip-version=$HIP_VERSION_MAJOR.$HIP_VERSION_MINOR.$HIP_VERSION_PATCH"; + $HIPLDFLAGS .= " --hip-version=$HIP_VERSION_MAJOR.$HIP_VERSION_MINOR.$HIP_VERSION_PATCH"; } elsif ($HIP_PLATFORM eq "nvidia") { $CUDA_PATH=$ENV{'CUDA_PATH'} // '/usr/local/cuda'; $HIP_INCLUDE_PATH = "$HIP_PATH/include";