# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # NHOrus (2025-03-13) # uses functions musl will not implement, bug #942215 app-admin/sud # NHOrus (2025-02-01) # not ported to musl, bug #713434 app-crypt/mit-krb5-appl # Arthur Zamarin (2025-01-25) # depends on vscode/vscodium, which are glibc binary package kde-misc/krunner-vscodeprojects # Sam James (2025-01-10) # These packages are only relevant on musl systems. -sys-libs/argp-standalone -sys-libs/error-standalone -sys-libs/fts-standalone -sys-libs/obstack-standalone -sys-libs/queue-standalone -sys-libs/rpmatch-standalone # Cheyenne Wills (2025-01-05) # Not ported to musl, bug #832428 # openafs hasn't been tested with musl # would require a patch to get past the configure step net-fs/openafs # Sam James (2024-11-19) # Not ported to musl (bug #717252, bug #938613) sys-apps/dog # Robert Siebeck (2024-10-30) # musl not supported by upstream app-editors/zed # Andreas K. Hüttel (2024-10-24) # Using a glibc interface, and with that on musl pretty much useless sys-auth/nss-mdns sys-auth/libnss-cache sys-auth/nss-myhostname sys-auth/libnss-nis sys-auth/nss-pam-ldapd sys-auth/libnss-pgsql sys-auth/libnss-mysql sys-auth/nss_ldap net-nds/nsscache # Sam James (2024-09-30) # Needs porting to musl (bug #940130) ~sys-auth/elogind-255.5 # Sam James (2024-08-31) # sys-devel/binutils[gprofng] is masked on musl dev-debug/gprofng-gui # Sam James (2024-08-21) # systemtap needs porting to musl. Fails to compile in a few ways. # See bug #925857. dev-debug/systemtap sys-apps/tuned # Robert Förster (2024-05-06) # needs mongodb net-wireless/unifi # Robert Förster (2024-05-06) # bundles old gperftools not supporting musl, # among not being buildable itself # bug #906782, #716296, et al. dev-db/mongodb # Akinori Hattori (2024-04-14) # musl iconv does not implement required encodings. app-i18n/nkf app-text/cmigemo www-client/jd # Marek Szuba (2024-04-07) # Relies on musl-incompatible ldconfig behaviour to determine the list of host # library directories. More importantly however, protontricks is useless without # Steam and Steam will almost certainly never support musl (see e.g. # https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/9284). app-emulation/protontricks # Matthew Smith (2024-04-07) # Mask until execinfo.h use can be properly patched, bug #853856 media-gfx/renderdoc # Arthur Zamarin (2024-03-15) # Needs ada sci-electronics/ghdl # Alfredo Tupone (2024-03-13) # To bootstrap uses an ada compiler built using glibc dev-lang/ada-bootstrap dev-lang/gnat-gpl dev-lang/spark dev-ada/gnatcoll-db dev-ada/gprbuild dev-ada/xmlada dev-ada/libgpr dev-ada/gnatcoll-core dev-ada/gnatcoll-bindings dev-ada/langkit dev-ada/langkit-contrib dev-ada/templates-parser dev-ada/libadalang-tools dev-ada/libadalang dev-ada/spawn dev-ada/gtkada dev-ada/markdown dev-ada/VSS dev-ada/aws dev-ada/aunit dev-ada/ada_language_server dev-ada/gnatdoc dev-ada/gpr-unit-provider dev-ada/gpr dev-ada/gnatmem dev-ada/ada_libfswatch dev-ada/gnatsymbolize dev-ada/AdaSAT dev-ada/lal-refactor dev-ada/prettier-ada dev-ada/gnatformat # Sergey Popov (2024-03-05) # games-strategy/seven-kingdoms does not build on musl, # requires glibc-specific locale handling. (#923907) games-strategy/seven-kingdoms # Joshua Kinard (2024-02-27) # app-arch/lrzip-next cannot work w/ musl's pthreads at # this time. (#925547) app-arch/lrzip-next # Christopher Fore (2024-01-24) # >=sys-fs/bcachefs-tools-1.4.1 uses functions currently not in Musl # https://github.com/koverstreet/bcachefs-tools/issues/213 # The above was fixed in musl 1.2.5, which bcachefs-tools 1.11.0 # will now depend on. # https://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2024/03/01/2 (2024-01-23) # Uses glibc function getsourcefilter(), # which are not available on musl. net-misc/mcproxy # Florian Schmaus (2023-11-22) # Requires systemd which is not supported on musl. sys-power/sandmann-bin # Brahmajit Das (2023-06-15) # The package uses innetgr which is not available in musl, bug 898556 # The package is only for long-obsolete polkit policies anyway. sys-auth/polkit-pkla-compat # Mike Gilbert (2023-06-15) # Reverse entry from base profile. -sys-apps/musl-locales # Maciej Barć (2023-04-03) # Mask until execinfo.h use can be properly patched, bug #877721 and #903689. dev-scheme/guile-ssh # Alfredo Tupone (2023-02-27) # Uses dev-util/nvidia-cuda-sdk dev-libs/cutlass # Conrad Kostecki (2022-12-31) # RTLD_DEEPBIND does not exist on musl dev-libs/intel-compute-runtime # Sam James (2022-10-17) # Needs porting to musl # https://github.com/rr-debugger/rr/issues/2236 dev-util/rr # Sam James (2022-10-04) # Packages with dubious sys-libs/glibc dependencies (non-binary) but # masking for now to allow musl profiles to graduate from exp->dev. dev-libs/cgreen media-sound/xwax net-analyzer/gsad net-analyzer/gvm net-analyzer/gvmd net-analyzer/gvm-libs net-analyzer/openvas-scanner net-analyzer/ospd-openvas net-misc/grive net-print/pnm2ppa sys-apps/noexec # Giuseppe Foti (2023-05-19) # New packages that require packages masked by the previous block. dev-db/pg-gvm net-analyzer/notus-scanner net-analyzer/greenbone-feed-sync net-analyzer/boreas # Petr Vaněk (2022-09-23) # Musl does not implement rresvport function, bugs #713810 and #713376. app-admin/clustershell app-shells/pdsh net-analyzer/ipcad # Sam James (2022-09-12) # libxcrypt migration masks. # 1. The libxcrypt migration is optional for musl, so unmask -virtual/libcrypt:0/1. # 2. virtual/libcrypt-2 doesn't migrate anything on musl, # we need virtual/libcrypt-2-r1 for the libxcrypt migration there, so # avoid a useless rebuild, and ensure it happens at the right time instead. -virtual/libcrypt:0/1 =virtual/libcrypt-2 # Mike Gilbert (2022-08-01) # Fails to build. app-emulation/open-vm-tools # Marek Szuba (2022-07-28) # Relies on unimplemented functions outb_p and inb_p, # support for which has never made it into musl. Bug #712972. sys-libs/libsmbios # Sam James (2022-04-23) # Compatibility packages for binary/pre-built software shouldn't # be needed on musl (and these fail to build anyway). sys-apps/byld sys-libs/libtermcap-compat sys-libs/libstdc++-v3 # Sam James (2022-04-22) # Needs strndupa, upstream not interested in supporting musl # bug #713542 net-misc/casync # Stephan Hartmann (2022-02-10) # Doesn't build on musl, bug #833028 www-client/chromium # Paolo Pedroni (2022-02-09) # It doesn't build on musl # bug #832551 net-misc/netkit-telnetd net-misc/sitecopy # Nowa Ammerlaan (2024-01-20) # Binary package linked to glibc (rolling mask, use for all such binpkgs) app-admin/awscli-bin app-admin/bitwarden-desktop-bin app-admin/puppet-agent app-admin/puppetserver app-admin/winbox app-arch/rar app-backup/tsm app-benchmarks/geekbench app-benchmarks/geekbench-ml app-crypt/rainbowcrack app-crypt/yubioath-flutter-bin app-editors/logseq-desktop-bin app-editors/sublime-text app-editors/vscode app-editors/vscodium app-emulation/crossover-bin app-emulation/genymotion-bin app-misc/kryoflux-dtc app-office/drawio-desktop-bin app-office/joplin-desktop app-office/libreoffice-bin app-office/onlyoffice-bin app-shells/pwsh-bin app-text/master-pdf-editor app-text/zotero-bin dev-db/mongodb-compass-bin dev-db/ocp dev-db/oracle-instantclient dev-db/sqlcl-bin dev-games/ps2-packer dev-java/openjdk-bin dev-java/openjdk-jre-bin dev-lang/dafny-bin dev-libs/luise dev-libs/nwjs dev-perl/Lab-Zhinst dev-python/pyzotero dev-util/azuredatastudio dev-util/idea-community games-action/a-story-about-my-uncle games-action/badland games-action/brutal-legend-gog games-action/brutal-legend-hb games-action/minecraft-launcher games-action/psychonauts-gog games-action/psychonauts-hb games-action/psychonauts2-hb games-action/shadowgrounds-bin games-action/shadowgrounds-survivor-bin games-action/trine games-action/trine-enchanted-edition games-action/trine2 games-arcade/barbarian-bin games-arcade/jardinains games-emulation/zinc games-fps/etqw-bin games-fps/etqw-data games-fps/etqw-demo games-fps/glxquake-bin games-fps/legends games-fps/soldieroffortune games-fps/transfusion-bin games-fps/tribes2 games-fps/ut2003 games-fps/ut2003-bonuspack-cm games-fps/ut2003-bonuspack-de games-fps/ut2003-bonuspack-epic games-fps/ut2003-data games-fps/ut2003-demo games-fps/ut2004 games-fps/ut2004-bonuspack-cbp1 games-fps/ut2004-bonuspack-cbp2 games-fps/ut2004-bonuspack-ece games-fps/ut2004-bonuspack-mega games-fps/ut2004-data games-fps/ut2004-demo games-puzzle/world-of-goo-demo games-puzzle/world-of-goo-gog games-puzzle/world-of-goo-hb games-rpg/crosscode games-rpg/crosscode-a-new-home games-server/bedrock-server games-server/etqw-ded games-server/mtavc games-server/steamcmd games-server/ut2004-ded games-simulation/slime-rancher games-strategy/darwinia games-strategy/knights-demo games-util/heroic-bin gnome-extra/nautilus-dropbox kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-dropbox mail-client/thunderbird-bin mate-extra/caja-dropbox media-gfx/brscan4 media-gfx/evoluspencil media-libs/amdgpu-pro-vulkan media-sound/baudline media-sound/teamspeak-server media-tv/plex-media-server media-video/amdgpu-pro-amf media-video/dvbackup media-video/makemkv media-video/popcorntime-bin net-analyzer/nessus-agent-bin net-analyzer/nessus-bin net-im/discord net-im/element-desktop-bin net-im/gitter-bin net-im/mattermost-desktop-bin net-im/rocketchat-desktop-bin net-im/skypeforlinux net-im/slack net-im/telegram-desktop-bin net-im/whatsapp-desktop-bin net-im/zoom net-misc/chrome-remote-desktop net-misc/dropbox net-misc/dropbox-cli net-misc/ipmiview net-misc/teamviewer net-misc/yandex-disk net-nntp/sabnzbd net-p2p/resilio-sync net-print/cnijfilter2 net-print/hplip-plugin net-vpn/microsoft-azurevpnclient sci-chemistry/cara-bin sci-electronics/eagle sci-electronics/labone sci-libs/mkl sci-mathematics/gimps sci-misc/jupyterlab-desktop-bin sci-misc/netlogo-bin sys-apps/intune-portal sys-apps/ipmicfg sys-apps/smcipmitool sys-apps/tas sys-block/arcconf sys-block/hpssacli sys-block/megacli www-apps/chromedriver-bin (2022-01-04, 2022-07-31) # Emacs 26 segfaults when dumping (bug #862489). app-editors/emacs:26 # Conrad Kostecki (2021-12-15) # Level Zero needs RTLD_DEEPBIND, which does not exist on musl. dev-libs/level-zero # Andreas K. Hüttel (2021-11-21) # No musl patches in ebuild (2021-11-20) # Wants /usr/bin/locale # Fails to build with errors like: # ``` # Use of uninitialized value $Text::WrapI18N::charmap in pattern match (m//) at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Text/WrapI18N.pm line 155. # Can't exec "/usr/bin/locale": No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34/Text/WrapI18N.pm line 134. # ``` app-doc/kicad-doc app-i18n/man-pages-l10n app-text/po4a dev-vcs/git-annex games-strategy/colobot www-apps/ikiwiki # Hank Leininger (2021-07-14) # Uses glibc-specific rexec(3) function, bug #715898 net-misc/netkit-rsh # David Seifert (2021-02-08) # nvidia-drivers only works against glibc. dev-libs/cudnn dev-libs/cudnn-frontend dev-python/pycuda dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit dev-libs/optix media-libs/nvidia-vaapi-driver x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers x11-misc/primus # Ulrich Müller (2020-03-31) # Not ported to musl, bug #715642. # See https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Emacs/Emacs-like_editors # for alternatives. app-editors/jasspa-microemacs # Sergei Trofimovich (2020-03-21) # musl has no support for nss subsystem. sys-apps/unscd sys-auth/libnss-nis sys-auth/sssd net-nds/nsscache sys-auth/libnss-cache sys-auth/libnss-mysql sys-auth/libnss-nis sys-auth/libnss-pgsql sys-auth/nss-mdns sys-auth/nss-myhostname sys-auth/nss-pam-ldapd sys-auth/nss_ldap sys-libs/nss-usrfiles # Sergei Trofimovich (2020-03-21) # Needs a port to musl. Uses glibc-specific termio and __getppid. app-emulation/ski # Sergei Trofimovich (2020-03-21) # Linux debugger needs a port to musl. app-emulation/dosemu # Old undated blocks of masks # sys-libs/glibc -sys-libs/musl -sys-libs/libucontext # systemd doesn't work on musl and upstream aren't interested # in supporting it. app-admin/mkosi app-admin/systemdgenie dev-python/python-systemd gnome-extra/office-runner gnome-extra/gnome-logs sys-apps/dbus-broker sys-apps/gentoo-systemd-integration sys-apps/systemd sys-apps/systemd-readahead sys-process/systemd-cron >=www-misc/profile-sync-daemon-6 sys-block/wait-for-dri-devices-rules # rust-bin isn't available on all platforms dev-lang/rust-bin